Types Of Climbing


No ropes. No harnesses. Just climbing!

You can boulder anywhere in our gym up to a certain height from 10 feet all the way to 14 feet! There is a huge feature in the center of our gym called "The Boulder" that is used only for bouldering and offers tons of exciting angles. It is sure to challenge beginners as well as the most seasoned veterans.

Auto Belays

No belayer? No problem!

You don't always need a partner to scale our highest walls! This clip-and-climb system is popular with everyone from our youngest climber to our local legends. And, auto-belay devices do all of the work when it comes time to lower you back to the ground. Try out a new route or run laps on your favorite for a cardio workout! You must be at least 10 to clip yourself in, Anyone under 10 will need assistance.


Top Roping

Our most popular form of climbing: top rope. Top roping participants climb as a team. Someone must be attached to the bottom before anyone can go to the top. The person who is attached to the bottom, the belayer, must be 15 years or older, but anyone 5 or older can be attached to the climber's side of the rope.

Don't know who or what a belayer is? No worries! We will teach you during your visit how to belay(which is just a fancy word for holding the ropes) in our First Timers Belay Tutorial in as little as 5 minutes. Once you are belay certified, you can belay for anyone at anytime!



Sport climbing takes all of your skills to the next level. While sport climbing, you are required to take a rope up with you and clip into our bolted walls as you ascend. There are no fixed ropes to follow, so make sure you are ready for the commitment.

Sport climbing at Southern Stone requires that you either attend our Lead Climbing Class, offered every last week of the month, or, if you already have the knowledge, test out - testing is done Tuesday-Thursday. Once Lead Certified, you are allowed to practice your sport climbing skills any time we are open. There are designated areas to lead all over the gym.

Climbers must be at least 15 to lead belay. We recommend that you are proficient climbing V3/5.9 or better before taking the Lead Climbing Class.