
Day Rates

With your climbing pass you will be able to climb all day with no time limit. So come in early and stay late. If you leave, just come back in and we’ll see you’ve been here and get you back on the wall.

Climbing Pass - $17

Rental Shoes - $4

Rental Harness - $3

Rental Chalk - $3

*Rock shoes are required for climbing. Harness and chalk are optional.

Belay Tutorial

Done in teams of 2, belaying is the act using a rope system to protect a climber in the event of a fall. The process involves specialized equipment unique to climbing. All belayers must go through a tutorial in order to operate the top rope stations to be certified. Certification is valid for 1 year and renews itself with each visit.

First Time Climber Belay Tutorial - $5

First Time Non Climber Belay Tutorial - $10

*Belayers must be 15 or older.

**Belay Tutorials are free with EFT and Prepaid Memberships.

Need more climbing? Click on the link to find out about monthly memberships and punch card passes.